WRC Young Adults

What is my calling? (pt. 1)

West Ridge Church

One of the core questions of humanity (and your life) is "What is my purpose?" or to ask it another way "What is my calling?" In today's episode, we want to give you a biblical worldview for calling. Maybe you're anxious because you feel like you're missing out on your purpose. Maybe you feel like a failure because you were told you needed to change the world or do something important but you work a normal job. Maybe you've heard you're supposed to make disciples at your job but don't know what that looks like in your context. Maybe you're just a student and feel like you're calling is on hold until you get your degree. Guess what: God isn't hiding your calling from you and He isn't trying to confuse you. He wants you to flourish and fulfill your God's designed purpose. We hope today's episode sets you free and gives you clarity and confidence. 

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