WRC Young Adults
WRC Young Adults exists to encourage and equip college students and young professionals to grow in their walk with Jesus Christ and live out their faith in every arena of their lives. Whether it's talks from previous gatherings or conversations around current hot topics, we hope to provide biblically-rooted, culturally-relevant content to help you live with clarity and navigate the complexities of this season of your life. For more information on WRC Young Adults or to reach out to our team, go to westridge.com/ya !
WRC Young Adults
Subject Change... Revival
West Ridge Church
We decided to cancel episode three of "The Bible never said..." to talk about a compelling and potentially controversial topic: Revival. This has been a trendy topic of late and we've seen the word "revival" tossed around quite a bit. What is revival? Why do need it? How do we get it? When do we know it's happening? We want to bring some much-needed clarity to the conversation and cast a compelling vision for revival for our community in these days.
Hosts // Sawyer Strickland & Blake Odgers
Next YA Gathering // 04.20.2023