WRC Young Adults
WRC Young Adults exists to encourage and equip college students and young professionals to grow in their walk with Jesus Christ and live out their faith in every arena of their lives. Whether it's talks from previous gatherings or conversations around current hot topics, we hope to provide biblically-rooted, culturally-relevant content to help you live with clarity and navigate the complexities of this season of your life. For more information on WRC Young Adults or to reach out to our team, go to westridge.com/ya !
WRC Young Adults
The Bible never said... (Pt. 1)
West Ridge Church
This is the first of three episodes discussing things we often hear (or say) that are actually never seen in Scripture. Today's topic is: "The Bible never said that we are all God's children." We believe everyone has inherent value, worth, and dignity as people made in the image of God. However, not everyone is a child of God. Is that true? Where do we get that from? How do we know where we stand? How can we know for sure that we are children of God? Let's talk about it!
PSA // YA Gathering is this Thursday (01.19.2023) 7PM at West Ridge Church!