WRC Young Adults

What is justification?

West Ridge Church

Over the next few weeks, we are going to talk through some theological terms.  As we've read through the New Testament this year we've seen words like "justification",  "sanctification", "regeneration",  and many more. It's easy to read these words and gloss over them, deeming them as unimportant or assuming we get the general meaning... but the fact of the matter is they carry so much weight to the beauty of what it means to be in Christ and the benefits that come with it! Today, we're asking the question: "What is justification?" In short, it is defined as "an act of God whereby He declares a sinner to be righteous" but how does God do this? What does this mean for us? How does this change or impact our daily lives? The word "justified" is mentioned throughout 14 books and over 39 times throughout Scripture so we should obviously lean in and pay attention to what it means!

Hosts: Sawyer Strickland & Blake Odgers

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Hosts: Sawyer Strickland & Blake Odgers

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